Sick Baby

On Easter Sunday we started Charlie on an antibiotic because his left ear had a discharge for several days and he just didn't seem like himself. His ear continued to have a discharge and he finished the antibiotic on Thursday, so I took him to the doctor on Friday. It turns out that both ears are infected and the left one still has a perforated ear drum. The right ear has so much wax that even after working hard to clean it and Charlie getting so very angry, the doctor could only see 1/3 of the ear drum, but that was enough to tell it is infected. He prescribed amoxicillin and ear drops to help the left ear.
We started on the medicine last night. By this afternoon, his cheeks had a splotchy rash and he has been spitting up more than usual. I spoke with the pediatrician on call and she wants us to stop the amoxicillin to determine if it's a reaction to that or something else. Poor little guy is having a time!


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