Our Weekend

We had a low key weekend that included a lovely dinner out Friday night with two delightful diners. Saturday we had a super-early wake up call first from Charlie at 4 followed by sissy at 5:30 (maybe 20 minutes after Aaron got Charlie back to sleep). I thought I could give SG food and let her watch TV until an acceptable weekend wake up time, but she soon came back, this time to daddy, wanting band aids for some boo boos. So there was time to mow the grass and get groceries before music! After music there was a meltdown from a very tired sissy before she went to gymnastics! A good nap helped some and gave me time to prep food for a baby shower I helped host for a former colleague.
Sunday morning brought more early wake up calls that cannot be explained, but daddy took that one since I was up late making cupcakes. We went to church our little angel looked so cute and was beaming with pride as she brought up the children's prayers. Charlie was a dream as he peacefully drifted off during adult Sunday school and slept through the service. After church I had a bit more to do for the baby shower that evening and Aaron played with the kids. Lovie graciously babysat while we went to the shower. A fun event celebrating a baby girl on the way and Aaron showed off how to estimate the circumference of a pregnant woman's belly with perfect accuracy! It was a late night for us, so the week has been off to a sleepy start! A busy, but good weekend.


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