Relaxing Fourth

We had a relaxing fourth of July. 

Sarah Graves is becoming quite the fish and loves to be in the water.  It feels good for me and Chubby too!
I love the look of joy on her face!  Such a sweet child.
We have learned to bring a few pool toys, but mostly she likes to splash around.  She was particularly enthralled to watch an older girl having a private lesson to work on her stroke technique. 

Daddy being silly wearing her toucan float as a hat!

After the pool, we headed back to Lovie and Pops' house for a delicious lunch of grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob.  Soon after SG was ready for what became her marathon 4 hour nap and Aaron and I headed off to do a little shopping to get things we needed for Chubby.  Not long after we came back Jeanne' came, SG woke up, and we spent the evening out on their deck with SG doing all sorts of little crafts while Pops grilled some delicious chicken!  It felt more like a Saturday, but we headed home in time to get a little girl into bed so that she could go to school the next day.
Fireworks would be nice and I think she would like them, but they start so late that I'm not sure we could keep her up for them.  In a few years she will be ready!


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