
Chubby and I had a check-up this morning.  It appears that all is well.  My blood pressure is low and Chubby's heartbeat is strong.  I measured at 38 cm again this week, so he may have had a bit of a growth spurt last week.  She checked his position and he is head down, but he felt a bit like he was posterior or face up.  It's not really a problem for him to be posterior, but if he stays that way, labor will probably be a little harder with more back labor.  I have been doing some of the exercises on spinning babies and have been really mindful of my posture throught this pregnancy, but he seems to have a mind of his own.  He is stilll pretty high, but that isn't a concern since he may not drop until labor. 

I was a little concerned because I have noticed some swelling in my feet that I haven't had before.  She took a look and felt it wasn't a concern, especially since it goes down over night.  I am supposed to drink lots of water, which I do already, put my feet up, and evaluate if my diet may have too much or too little salt. I don't like really salty stuff, but I don't eat extremely bland food either, so I would be surprised if it is too high or too low.

Chubby is technically full-term and no one would be concerned if he decided to come now.  However, research from the March of Dimes has shed light on how much brain development takes place in the last few weeks and how beneficial it is for babies to stay inside until at least 39 weeks.  Their suck swallow reflex is better developed and they are better able to regulate their temperature and blood sugar.  All god reasons to hope that we go a few more weeks!


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