Chubby's Ultrasound

We had another ultrasound to check on me and Chubby.  Chubby is looking darling!  His estimated weight is 2 pounds and 3 ounces and his heart rate was 148.  
 Here you can see Chubby's profile and his hand by his face.

 In this one you can see his profile again and his hands making little fists.  

This is a look straight on at Chubby's face.  You can see his nose and mouth, which are both developed nicely.  Sarah Graves has been focused on his nose because my belly button has started to protrude and she thinks it is Chubby's nose!

The placenta has moved out of the way just like they hoped.  My fluid levels are right in the middle of the range and my cervix is closed tight.  They did notice one thing that has us a little concerned.  There are two fibroids (benign tumors) that are likely growing due to all the hormones of pregnancy.  Right now they are small and not in the way of the cervix, but there is some concern that they weren't there several weeks ago and if they growing fast, they could start to restrict Chubby's growth.  The perinatologist decided that they are small enough right now to let the midwives decide whether or not a follow-up appointment ultrasound is needed.  I have an appointment with the midwife next week, so hopefully she will say it is nothing to worry about.  

We are so grateful every time we see Chubby and they confirm that he is developing so well.  It truly is a miracle every time we see him fluttering around and I feel him moving around.  It is such a gift.  


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