When It All Goes Awry

Ever have the best of intentions, but it seems it all goes off course? That was most of our weekend. Nothing tragic, just not as planned.
Saturday morning I manned a table in our church's community garage sale while Aaron took SG to music. We had to setup at 6 am, so it was also SG's first time to sleepover at Lovie and Pops'. I don't think she noticed, but Aaron and I felt how empty the house was without her, even after her usual bedtime. We had beautiful weather on Saturday, but hardly anyone bought anything. Fortunately, I already had a group scheduled to pick up the donations this week. At least the pile of unnecessary items won't be sitting for too long.
The other plan for the day was to put SG's big girl bed together. Aaron went to pick up the furniture parts we needed and we went to buy a mattress. We were later than expected getting home, so the race was on to disassemble the crib and put up the bed. All was well until we realized we had slats for a full and we needed twin size. We settled for putting the mattress on the floor and off to bed she went!
Sunday morning started off smoothly with breakfast out before church. SG looked like a doll and everyone was in good spirits. As we pulled in the church parking lot, I heard what sounded like a deep cough from SG. Aaron looked back and immediately said we had to go home, she had thrown up all over herself. We headed home and I proceeded to coax a very disappointed toddler to let me shower her and get the stinky off. She wanted to see the kids at church and proceeded to scream throughout the entire shower and hair washing process. Once out, she eventually calmed down enough to hear me acknowledge how upsetting it was and decided she would take her nap.
Aaron and I got to work on putting new pulls on her big girl furniture. As we started work, we noticed chewed up paper on the floor and Aaron identified it as remnants of a raisin box. Knowing raisins are toxic for dogs, we quickly started googling the symptoms and how much was needed to do harm. Our furry friend was sacked out on a sunny spot on her bed not looking concerned. Google revealed that a mini box of raisins probably was not enough to harm a dog Lucy's size. Whew, emergency vet visit averted!
We got back to work and Aaron realized the screws that came with the pulls were poor quality and we would need extras. I headed out to home depot and did find someone to help me match a replacement screw that would fit. I headed home and SG was awake and seemed to be feeling fine. She and I headed off to the grocery leaving Aaron free to get the furniture ready.
SG loves to go potty while out. In fact, she is better out than at home. We went potty early in our trip and I hoped to make it home before she needed to go again. As we picked up our last item, she told me she needed to poop. I get us to the restroom and the smell tells me it already happened. As I began to pull her panties off, I realized this was a disaster scene. It was like a large quantity of breastfed newborn poop, except the smell was more like toxic waste. My heart broke for her as she told me she was sorry and I tried to figure out what to do in a public restroom. I got the cloth panties off of her and immediately dumped those, started getting wet paper towels to clean up her lower half, and made the plan to put her shorts back on her without panties to go home. I started to put the shorts on and realized they were dirty and we would have to get some disposables. We ran out into the store, I figured out what kind of pull ups to get her, and darted back to the restroom. Poor kid left the store in her shirt and a pull up, but didn't seem too worried!
We came home to work on moving the nursery furniture out of her room and the big girl stuff into it. That part went pretty smooth and she mostly watched a DVD.
Other than some more upset tummy incidents, which are much easier to deal with at home with a quick dip in the tub, our evening was uneventful. We needed it too because we were exhausted!


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