
The Easter bunny brought a seat for her baby and a basket full of goodies.  The eggs each had a few treats that included animal crackers, almonds, goldfish, fruit snacks, and the special golden egg had M&Ms.  Surprisingly, her favorite was to find the goldfish! 

She was so anxious to see her Easter basket that she just couldn't wait to look at it after she went potty.  She was using her Potty Power and enjoying her basket at the same time!

She has been thrilled with the seat for her baby!  So much so that it is driving us crazy.  she insists on taking it everywhere she goes and has an all out tantrum when we explain that we are going somewhere and can't take the seat with us like school. 

Before we headed off to church, I had to get a couple of pictures of her all dolled up in her Easter dress! 


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