My Roller Coaster Ride

This morning I went for what should have been a standard check-up.  I was expecting to hear the baby's heartbeat and basically be on my way.  That's not quite how this visit went, but rest assured all is fine. 
They started with the usual checking urine, blood pressure, and weight; all of which were fine.  Then came my favorite part, listening for the heartbeat.  The midwife I saw was new to me, but she seemed nice and she patiently moved the doppler device around looking for the heartbeat.  With each passing moment I became a little more anxious.  Then, she suggested that she bring in the very basic ultrasound machine that they keep in the office.  She quickly found the baby with the ultrasound, but couldn't get a good read on the heartbeat.  My anxiety began to heighten at this point and I started really wishing that Aaron was there with me because hearing the heartbeat is one of the few ways to check in on him/her at this point.  She tried very nicely to assure me that she was sure all was fine, but she knew I wasn't convinced.  I was extremely grateful when she offered to send me over to the perinatologist for an official ultrasound.  She asked if I might have time to schedule it this week and I assured her I would be there today.  I knew I couldn't rest until I knew for sure what was happening! 
The receptionist called the office and they agreed to see me as an emergency and she told me to head straight there.  Mom, SG, and I hustled over to the office, which is at a different building a few blocks away.  The staff there were very nice and it didn't take long until I was in the room with the ultrasound technician who understood the purpose and quickly got down to business.  I remember with my first ultrasound with SG the technician checked what felt like everything else before she showed me the baby and her heartbeat.  This one went right to the point and let me hear the heartbeat.  I was so appreciative to see that flutter on the screen and hear that wonderful galloping sound!  151 beats per minute brought tears to my eyes.  Since I was already there, she did a full ultrasound and checked measurements and that everything was progressing well. 
The perinatologist took a look and said everything looked normal and that I am right on track for 14 weeks.  Yay!  All measurements and indicators look good.  We'll go back at 20 weeks for the official ultrasound to check measurements, organs, and the most fun part, gender. 
I am so grateful for the compassion that all of these people had for me and understanding what an upsetting situation it could have been.  I am really thankful that I wasn't there on my own because I was so panicked trying to leave the midwife's office and get to the ultrasound that I could hardly think straight.  Fortunately for me, Mom is good in a crisis and SG was better than any two-year-old could be.  So a very stressful way to get it, but a lot of fun to get an ultrasound at this stage and a chance to peek inside. 
 Notice in the top right it say emergency.  I am so thankful they felt the same way that I did.
Just to compare, this is the ultrasound picture from Sarah Graves at almost the same point.  They both look a little like aliens, but the sweetest aliens I've ever dreamed of. 


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