Feeling Pregnant

I don't like to complain about being pregnant, but I have to say that I am exhausted.  I feel like I am dragging through most of the day and can't wait to sit on the couch to watch TV or just go to bed.  The fact that I feel a little dizzy when I start moving too quick is just insult to injury.  Right now it's score 1 for baby Caldwell and 0 for momma.  I am hopeful that in the next couple of weeks I will start to feel more energetic. 
I have an incredibly acute sense of smell right now that is really just annoying.  Some of the biggest offenders are the smell of coffee and people who get omelets made with peppers and onions for breakfast at work.  Riding in the elevator with people who have either of these items is almost more than I can stand.  Perfumes are also a big turn off, so I haven't worn any for several weeks now.  I am hoping that this starts to fade soon. 
I don't seem to have any major food aversions of cravings.  Food isn't all that exciting right now, but there are times when I am absolutely starving.  Sweets are the one food that just aren't appealing to me.  Fruit seems to be about the right level of sweetness for my taste these days and I'm not complaining.
Each pregnancy seems to be different with its own set of symptoms. 


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