Potty Time

I have more Shreveport pictures to update, but we are so busy that I didn't want to forget this.

Sarah Graves is very interested in the potty and has asked to sit on it a few times.  She usually gets up there for a second then says, no and gets down.  we aren't in a rush to potty train, but I have done a little looking around to see what is out there in terms of best practices to make it a painless experience and maybe what we should avoid doing.  I read that a good way to start is by getting them on the potty during a time when they likely need to go and that can lead to success to encourage the learning process.  When they wake up from naps or in the morning it is a time when they may need to go anyway and they may have a learning moment on the potty.  That makes sense to me, except she often wakes up slowly, talking a bit, and then sometimes falling back to sleep for a few minutes making it hard to know when she has just woken up.   

Saturday, she was late going down for a nap, so I decided to wake her up at 6 (she had been asleep for over 2 hours).  As I was getting her up, I remembered what I read and decided to give it a try.  I took her diaper off, put her on the potty, and as she was saying no, I heard her going pee pee!  She was groggy from sleep and did not care about my excited potty dance!  Now we have one success with going on the potty and hopefully will build more and more over time! 

Last night, Aaron was giving her a bath and she was telling him that she had toots.  Toots and poop have become some of her favorite topics of conversation, so he didn't think too much of it.  That is, until he saw a little something floating in the tub!  Fortunately, she was bathed and ready to get out, so he grabbed her quickly.  He tried putting her on the potty, but she wasn't interested.

Needless to say, we didn't take any photos of either bathroom experience! 


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