Letter Month Twenty-Three

Dear Sarah Graves,
You are such a joy right now (not that you haven't been always)!  You are your own person and it is so fun to watch you grow.  You are inquisitive, imaginative, and so very loving. 
You are really into baby dolls and pretend cooking right now.  Your imagination has really fired up and you crack us up with some of your pretending!  You have several babies and you refer to some of them by names and others are just baby.  Your babies have to eat, sleep, and they even poop.  Sometimes you make pie to feed your baby, which cracks us all up!  You have a small set of dishes that came as an early Christmas present and you pretend to bake all sorts of yummy treats for us.  Maybe all your pretend baking is why you don't care to eat real food.
You are not interested in food much these days.  You seem to go through phases where you love on thing and want it constantly and just as quick as it became your favorite, you are over it.  You did that with eggs and now I am afraid that "cancakes" are going the same way.  You don't eat any vegetables or meats, except for the occasional chicken nugget. You sometimes eat oranges or bananas, and apple sauce.  You love what you refer to as fru fru, otherwise called a Buddy Fruit.  You suck it out of the pouch in one breath and would probably eat that for most meals if we offered it.  That is one of the few ways I can get fruit and vegetable in you.  Most days you just don't seem to have a big appetite.  you love pie, cookies, cupcakes, crackers, most any food lacking in nutritional value, but you will eat some of it and then you're done.  Hopefully, you will develop into a better eater soon because I am out of ideas for you. 
You are talking so much more and putting several words together.  You have your own way of saying most things, but you are very consistent with it.  Once I figure out what you are saying, you look at me as if to say, "isn't it obvious?"  My favorite right now is MAn MAn.  That is your version of snowman and I smile every time I hear it.  I even bought you a small stuffed snowman just to hear it more!  Recently, lovie heard you in the kitchen and came in to find you holding a pie plate and saying, "Sarah eat pie."  You definitely know what you want and heaven help us when we try to get in your way!
You are still an awesome sleeper.  You climb up the stairs saying night night when it's time for bed and snuggle in with all your babies.  You are very attached to your blankie and lovie.  Your lovie is going more and more places with you and provides a lot of comfort.  It's looking worn and tattered and I'm a little concerned that we only have one of the one that you love so much. 
You are so excited about unwrapping presents and getting toys.  It is very cute. You know that Santa brings toys.  Somehow in my efforts to explain baby Jesus, you lumped him in with Santa, so he says Ho Ho Ho!  We'll continue to work on that. 
You carry a special light and joy with you in everything that you do.  I think others notice it too and we continue to be amazed by you.  I still feel so lucky to be your Ba-Ba and yes, that is still your name for me.  I feel privileged to have it. 


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