
Last night we participated in our trunk-or-treat at church.  If you haven't been to a trunk-or-treat before, people like us sign up to be hosts and park our cars in a parking lot with decorated trunks and give out candy.  I had never heard of them before we came to Atlanta, but it works well for the little kids. 

Some of the hosts had very extensive decorations.  We kept ours pretty simple with pumpkins. 
Sarah Graves was in constant motion! 
We met this cutie, Alyssa, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood.
Was saw our friend, Allie, dressed as a gnome!
Aaron and Lucy posed as the stars from Blue's Clues in several pictures with trick-or-treaters.
Sarah Graves loved the freedom of being outside and running around with all the kids. 
Climbing in and out of her stroller is always a favorite activity.

She wasn't too into trick-or-treating, but she did catch on that you say "tri tree" when you take a piece of candy!  I did manage to keep her from discovering candy (the last frontier for her sweet tooth to discover)  by giving her some Annie's fruit snacks made with cane syrup. 


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