The Things She Says...

Sarah Graves is working very hard to talk and more and more often she is putting two or three words together to more fully communicate her idea. 
She loves to identify that an object is hers as in, Sarah cup, Ba Ba cup, Da Da cup. 
She can really say Lucy's name and she has totally picked up on how we call Lucy any time we drop food in the kitchen.  She dropped a craisin the other day and quickly called, "Lucy!"  I was somewhat surprised when Lucy came bounding down the stairs to see what Sarah Graves wanted.  Getting some food didn't hurt the reinforcement!  When Lucy is barking at what appears to be nothing, Sarah Graves will tell her, "Lucy, no!" just like I do.  That makes me aware of just how much those little ears are listening to everything I say!
The most surprising thing she has said was the other day when she pointed at my chest and said, "boob."  I was so surprised that she had a word for that!  It's not as though we sit around the kitchen table discussing them or anything and they aren't labeled in her body board book either.  She calls every color yellow, but she somehow caught on to the names of the body parts!   
The other morning after her bath she sat her naked bottom on the tile floor and I mentioned that I thought the floor would be cold.  She looked at me and very seriously said, "it not cold."


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