Sick, snowy, and snuggly

Sunday morning Sarah Graves woke up very early with a cold. She has been quite pitiful with a nose that pours, cheeks and nose are bright red, and hair that is crazy. My usually very busy baby suddenly wants to be rocked and snuggled. If I put her down, she will stand at my leg crying with her arms up. It makes my heart break, so she has been held a lot. Nursing is a big comfort to her, so I let her go as long as she likes.
I hate it that she is sick, but I love all the cuddly time with her. She woke up early again this morning and came to our bed where she nursed and snuggled up next to me for a couple of hours. I cling to these sweet moments when she is peaceful against me and sleeping softly.
Yesterday evening the snow began to fall and it is gorgeous. We have several inches and it is beautiful, light and fluffy. I was amazed how bright the sky was with the reflection from all the snow. I took a few pictures while it was coming down last night. So pretty. It makes me wish I was going skiing again.

My office isn't opening today, so we are having an easy day at home. I am trying to get a little work done during her naps. I will post some more pictures later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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