Happy 1st Birthday!

One year ago today our baby took her first breath and changed our lives forever.  The past two days I have been remembering how I felt a year ago.  I was uncomfortable, tired, and anxious to meet my baby.  I will never forget going for accupunture; coming home and Aaron making me walk for what felt like hours; having dinner at home with Mom and Dad; and finally after a short nap, waking up to organized contractions.  Mom stayed up with me and we watched Steven Segal - Lawman while I sat on the birth ball and rocked on my hands and knees getting through each contraction.  I had never watched that show before and I don't think I have seen it since, but it is forever in my memory of that night.  We woke Aaron up after the contractions lasted longer and came closer together.  It wasn't long after that we left for the hospital.  It was very hard work getting her into this world, but nothing could have been more worth it! 
I will always remember seeing her laying under what we called the burger warmer in the labor and delivery room all stretched out and looking so peaceful.  I couldn't believe that beautiful baby was actually mine.  My biggest dream had finally come true.

Here she is today smiling on her Birthday! 

If you look closely in this one, you can see some of her new teeth coming in on her lower jaw.   


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