
I have become quite committed to cloth diapering. Mostly because I hate the thought of disposable diapers sitting in landfills for an estimated 500 YEARS,
As much as I love our cloth diapers, it just doesn't make sense to haul them with us on airplanes. So, I found a system that uses a cloth cover and a disposable insert that is environmentally friendly. The cover is made of leak proof material and you can wipe out the inside as needed between uses. I have not seen any need to wipe out the inside. The cover has snaps just like our regular diapers do.
The insert is not as absorbent as her Smartipants or Bum Genius 3.0s, but it will last for us now overnight with a single insert. I am really glad that someone came up with this hybrid system for those times when you need some flexibility.
Cotton Babies is the maker of the Flip diapering system.


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