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Our whirlwind trip is over and we are back home and mostly back to our routine.  I am worn out, so maybe it's good that we are in our routine!  Here are a few pictures that I took.

We stayed at the Park Central New York on Seventh Avenue.  Our room was surprisingly large for a New York hotel room and there was even some open space in the room for SG to get down and play.  I know, you are probably wondering if I am in my right mind letting my baby get down on the floor in a hotel room, but there was no way I could keep her from getting down for two whole days.  

We were only a few blocks from Times Square so we walked over there a few times.  Sarah Graves sat in her stroller just taking it all in.  I don't think I have ever seen her sit so still while she rides.  She just sat, rubbed her blanket between her fingers, sucked her paci, and looked at everything.  

We passed by Radio City Music Hall and I couldn't hlp but think of Annie and sing the song Let's Go To the Movies.  Annie was my favorite movie growing up and I recently put the DVD in to show SG.  She was amused by my singing and dancing.

The forecast showed rain, so I picked up this rain cover for her stroller.  She fit right in with the New Yorker babies and stayed completely dry.  She kept giggling with it on her stroller.  Maybe it felt like a little tent to her!


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