What's Normal?

I feel so grateful to live in a time with internet and all of its information at my fingertips.  I find it incredibly helpful to go online and be able to read experiences that other parents are having. 
I belong to a group on facebook called Circle of Moms, and one of the helpful features is that you connect with other moms who have babies the same age as yours.  I haven't come across anyone who seems to have the magic solution to our sleep issues, but it's nice to know that my baby isn't the only one.  I also get email from Whattoexpect.com with links to featured blog posts that are relevant to where Sarah Graves is in her development.  These blog posts have lots of comments from other moms and so you get many perspectives on the situation.  Sometimes it makes you feel fortunate for how easy of a time you've had it and sometimes you realize that you are having a tougher go of it, but know that you are not alone.
The internet may not have the solution, but it is a helpful reminder that I'm not the only one who has a baby that wears size 9 month clothes, or who still needs a couple of feedings every night. 


Nikki said…
Oh Nat -- yes we are blessed in this age of technology. Think of those moms in say the 1930's who lived on a rural farm in the mid-west -- they probably thought they were crazy and their baby an alien. Now at least you know this too shall pass and this time, though hard, is fleating. You are doing a WONDERFUL job. Keep it up!!

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