A Good Book

When I came back to work I felt for several reasons that pumping was an unpleasant chore that I had to do.  I have relaxed quite a bit about the whole supply thing and now know that some days there is not as much milk there, but that if I don't freak out, it will be fine and there is plenty of milk for baby girl.  I have also found a way to make my time pumping something that I almost look forward to rather than dread.  I keep a book with me for those days when my BlackBerry isn't buzzing and I need something to occupy me. 
I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife, which was excellent.  I love fiction and this was the first book of fiction that I have read in about a year.  I had almost forgotten how wonderful it is to read a good book and have the characters and their actions continue on in your mind after you put the book down.  Non-fiction just doesn't create that kind of enjoyment for me.  I know I truly enjoyed a book when I get to the end and I wish that I could continue to read about the characters' lives. 
Aaron and I really enjoy reading and I so hope that Sarah Graves will also love to read.  We are still showing her her words for her reading program and she still gets wide eyed looking at them.  If nothing else, it's a fun game for her!  It would be a thrill to one day realize that she sees a word and is able to read it and know what it means. 


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