
I mentioned before that I find pumping very tedious.  This is mostly because the whole time I am doing it I am wondering if I am getting enough, if I need to pump longer, etc.  Now that I am pumping 3 times a day while at work, this has turned into a bit of paranoia.  I seem to pump about 4 ounces each time.  Now I have no idea how much baby girl is used to getting, so I don't know if this is more than she needs, right on target, or possibly less.  I simply fear that it is less than she needs.  Because she is not fond of the bottle, she has been taking at most 2 ounces at a feeding. 
My paranoia was furthered when I spoke to another pumping mommy and she mentioned that her baby is 8 months old and she no longer is able to pump enough for her baby.  And you thought the horror stories and paranoia would go away once the baby was born
So, I decided to do what I always do and research the subject.  Have I mentioned how much I love the internet and all the information at my fingertips?  I found a great site,, that gave some useful information about pumping and breastfeeding in general. I also found some helpful tips from other moms on how they increased their supply.  It seems that eating oatmeal is good, fenugreek is an herb that helps, and mother's tea can be helpful.  There were also a number of moms who claim that drinking milk everyday helped them and one claimed that milk with honey in it does the trick.  I used to eat oatmeal every day and then I started craving eggs when I got pregnant and haven't eaten much oatmeal since, but maybe it's time to go back to it.  I don't know if I want to add an herbal supplement just yet.  I hate to give into my paranoia so quickly!


Leslie said…
The amount you need isn't something someone else can tell you. It's just a reading your baby kind of thing. I almost never had enough for Tucker (even with all the tricks) so I had to start supplimenting pretty shortly after going back to work, but I pumped what I could and figured it was better than nothing.

My sister in law had an over-abundance of it though, so you just never know what they'll need and what you'll be able to produce. I just learned not to stress about it. I did the best I could and she's happy and healthy and I'm proud I could do something at least.

In my struggles to increase my supply, I found that the mother's milk tea is REALLY hepful. As is fenil (sp) tea or fenil in anything. I found the fenugreek tea worked as well, if not better, than the fenugreek pills.
Natalie said…
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I always appreciate hearing what worked for others. I am trying not to stress about it and feel a bit more positive that there are some other things to try. Tucker certainly has turned out to be adorable and smart, so you definitely did it right!

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