Since Sarah Grves did not listen to our request and come over the weekend, we had our scheduled check-up this morning. All looks good. My blood pressure and measurements continue to be fine. We heard her heartbeat and it always makes me smile to hear that sweet sound. We also talked about my growing anxiety about not going into labor on my own. Anjili is very reassuring that 90% of women do go into labor by 42 weeks and we have every reason to believe that I will too. We also talked a bit about how even if we do have to use pitocin to induce labor it doesn't have to be as bad as I feared. She said that she will try to make it possible to be able to move around even though you are hooked up to the monitor and the IV. Hopefully, we will go into labor on our own! One of the things that she cautioned us about is that even though family and friends are well meaning and excited to meet the new baby, the constant focus on whether labor has begu...
Make sure you enjoy this time with Sarah since she is a true blessing from God. This is another example how awesome he is.