We saw Anjili this morning for our check-up. Overall, baby and I are doing fine. My blood pressure is still good, I am measuring right on track, and Sarah Graves' heartbeat sounded beautiful. I am dilated 1 cm., but her head is still very high, which means we have a ways to go before they expect me to be in labor. Her guess is that we won't be having a baby this week.
I started with a cold on Friday, so she suggested Robitussin for the cough and taking several packets of Emergen C each day to help me get over it quick. Between the cold and the Braxton Hicks, I haven't been sleeping well at night. She suggested I try this calcium and magnesium supplement called Momma Calms (sp ?) that you can get at Whole Foods. I guess it helps to calm the Braxton Hicks as well as having a multitude of other positive effects and uses. She feels like me getting good sleep is most important right now, so hopefully these will help that.