Don't Stand, Don't Stand, Don't Stand So Close to Me...

This song is all that I can think of now that I realize my belly has grown to new proportions.  I was ironing my shirt this morning when suddenly I felt a burning on my belly and realized that my belly hangs out so far I had accidentally burned it with the iron.  Don't get worried!  It's just a small burn where the iron got a little too close.  Baby girl is completely fine and probably only noticed the feeling of me jumping when I realized what happened. 
I have noticed a similar type thing while cooking because I have to back away from the stove in order to keep my belly away from the burner. Maybe I just need a burn resistant wrap for my belly! 


Too Funny, We will have to make an oven mit apron for you and Sarah.
Leslie said…
My belly got so big that a.) I couldn't sit close enough to my desk to reach everything. To reach far onto my desk, I'd have to separate my legs so my belly could drop down between them to help me reach, b.) I could no longer paint my own toenails or shave the bottom part of my left leg (I'm a righty), and c.) I perfected the art of the side hug. Haha!

Good luck learning how to maneuver that thing. :)
Nikki said…
oh that is just too funny!! I bet that would be tricky to learn to deal with.

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