Sharing the News

Aaron and I have known for about 2 weeks and finally yesterday I just could not keep the news to myself any longer. We decided to start telling family and I totally underestimated how exciting it is to share that kind of news with people. We called Aaron's Mom, Dad, grandparents, and sister. They were all very excited for us. When Aaron told his Dad we would have to hold off on a rafting or ski trip, his Dad actually guessed the reason why! I guess we didn't realize just how hard people were trying not to put pressure on us!

We met my parents for dinner. I tried to think up some unique or fun way to share the news and the best I could come up with was to buy a little newborn outfit, bring it to the restaurant, tell them I wanted to show them what I bought, and pull it out of the bag. Here is the outfit that I found after work.

I didn't think to bring the camera with me to dinner, but I sure do wish that I had! Their expressions were priceless and their reaction was exactly what I had hoped for. Pure joy!

On Saturday, I had lunch with my really good friend, Sarah. I could not resist sharing the news with her and she was so excited for us! She sent us a lovely card that came yesterday and will certainly be among the things that I start keeping to remember this really special time.

Aaron and I feel so grateful to be pregnant right now and so thankful for the friends and family who are happy for us. Just keep having good thoughts that this little baby will camp out for a while and keep growing!


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