Other Un-Scientific Gender Predictors
Okay, so there are a slew of other mostly old wives' tale type things to predict the gender. Two of the ones that I have not done yet are to dangle a needle or ring over your belly and watch to see if it swings in a circle (a girl) or back and forth (a boy), or you can mix some of your own pee with Drano and check to see if the color darkens (a boy) or stays the same (a girl). Now you see why I haven't jumped on the chance to try that one out :)
I did go online and do some Chinese age predictor test that determines the gender based on the mother's age and the month of conception. I know, some of you are thinking that I didn't even know when I got pregnant, so how could I possibly pick the right month. I think it was in April, so we went with that. According to this fabulously scientific test, we should expect a boy.
I also completed a gender predictor quiz online and responded to such questions as, Are you craving sweet or sour foods? and is the hair on your legs growing faster than normal? Clearly these questions would be highly scientific. The outcome of this quiz is 67% chance that it's a girl. Considering we started off with only 2 possibilities, I think a coin toss may be just as predictive.
I did go online and do some Chinese age predictor test that determines the gender based on the mother's age and the month of conception. I know, some of you are thinking that I didn't even know when I got pregnant, so how could I possibly pick the right month. I think it was in April, so we went with that. According to this fabulously scientific test, we should expect a boy.
I also completed a gender predictor quiz online and responded to such questions as, Are you craving sweet or sour foods? and is the hair on your legs growing faster than normal? Clearly these questions would be highly scientific. The outcome of this quiz is 67% chance that it's a girl. Considering we started off with only 2 possibilities, I think a coin toss may be just as predictive.