Our First Baby

Lucy is so grown up!
Lucy at 6 months

Today I came home from work to find my first baby, Lucy, outside in her yard enjoying the afternoon sun. I couldn't help but think about how she really is our first child. We brought her home as a puppy, helped her learn to socialize, took her to puppy school, got her in private school, learned how to get her to listen to us (sometimes), and taught her to go outside to go to the bathroom. She is quite self sufficient now, but she still loves attention and will crawl into my lap. I couldn't help but think today how her world is going to change with the arrival of a little brother or sister. Lucy is pretty low maintenance, so I hope that we can manage to pet her and still give attention to the baby. But I can't help thinking about Lady and the Tramp and how their dog was overlooked once the baby came. Hopefully, Lucy's extended family will be sure to give her some attention and help her feel included in the family, even after the baby comes. She is lucky to have grandparents and aunts who adore her.


Unknown said…
Lucy will always have a special place in our heart and will NEVER be left out no matter what! My heart is a BIG one and there is plenty of room for Lucy and lots of babies too. Love, Mom

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