Father's Day

This is my first post, and I think the subject and day are fitting. Some of my posts will be serious, some funny now, some funny in retrospect, and hopefully few will be sad. I'll try to chronicle the ups and downs of this great adventure that Nat and I have stumbled upon... but then again, this is something that I (and we) have been preparing for for years, even before we met.

God willing, next year this day will be a celebration for me, since we now have a bun in the oven!!!! Hopefully, I will be able to live up to the title of father. No matter what I do for the first few years, I know that this new child will love me unconditionally. I haven't even seen the first glimpses of this wonderchild, and I already love him/her and worry about his/her well being. Is that what being a father is?

Needless to say that my world view has and will continue to be altered by this blessed revelation. I now have to think of this innocent life and the effects of any decisions upon our family, that means choosing the safer choices for career and activities. On this Father's Day, my appreciation for my Dad and the decisions that he made many years ago has increased considerably. I hope that I can succeed at being a great Dad like the one that I have.


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