Visit with PaPaw


There were plans for a large birthday party to celebrate PaPaw's 100th birthday. His health took a turn but we still made the trip to be able to visit him.

Our first stop was lunch with Grancy and Gramma.

We tried to visit Pa Paw the day we arrived but he couldn't wake up. We visited with his caregivers, but couldn't talk to him. We headed to visit with Uncle Les and Aunt Barbara. We had a nice time with them and were able to wish Barbara happy birthday!

We went back to visit on Sunday and he was awake. He couldn't really speak, but he made eye contact and we felt he understood everything happening around him. 

We spent time showing him pictures and remembering stories of good times. It was sweet and sad, but I am so glad we had the chance to be with him and realize that he was not able to live and enjoy his life. 

We gave him his birthday gift, a blanket with pictures from good times together. 

Arden gave him a special commendation from the Speaker of the House to wish him a happy birthday!

We made time to visit with Grandaddy and Mi Mi and have dinner as a family. 


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