Christmas Weekend

We thoroughly enjoyed some time to relax and get ready for Christmas fun! 
Rainbow Bobby was sugar loading from Charlie's candy dispenser acquired at his gift exchange. 

We baked some of our cookies to enjoy   before we watched Christmas Vacation!

Forming the dough and freezing to bake whenever we want cookies is one of the best things I have tried! Fresh cookies when we want them without needing to keep mixing dough all the time!

Saturday, we enjoyed FaceTiming with Grancy and Ger Ger as we opened our gifts together! It almost felt like we were really all together. 

Lots of baseball accessories for Charlie - spring season will be here soon!

New running shoes and slippers were some of the favorites for Sissy. She will be ready for the hurdles in track!

In honor of "A Christmas Story," we ordered Chinese food then settled in to enjoy the movie that has become a classic for us!

The elves did some ziplining in my office and left a note for the kids to do 3 good deeds! I think that means helping with some cooking and cleaning to be ready for Christmas Eve!



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