Strong Rock Round 2


Charlie was very eager to get back to camp!

So eager that after we took this photo at drop off, he walked away and never said goodbye! I'm glad he doesn't worry about being away from us, but I wish he at least wanted to give us a hug and say goodbye!

One of his favorite things to do is play ga ga ball! He loves it and is pretty good at it, but sometimes that brings out a competitive spirit!

Last year he was nervous to use the money he had on credit at the camp store, but this year he treated himself to a "Waya" hat for his tribe. 

Wiffle ball was a new activity camp added this year and he was very excited to choose it!

The tribes do a lot of competitions all with the goal to be the one to have the most points at the end of camp! This competition is right up Charlie's alley!

Looking fierce!

More ga ga ball.

He loves wiffle ball. 

Waya won this session! 

Looking forward to more camp next year!


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