12U Softball

Sarah Graves had the good fortune of being on another winning softball team!

She worked hard over the season to improve her fielding and hitting. 

Having a friend come cheer her on is always fun!

We had our share of playing in the cold, rain, and the heat!

Coach gave her the game ball for her attitude and support of her teammates.

I made a Texas sheet cake for their end of season celebration. I was pretty proud of the decorating and it tasted great!

Championship play is a little different for 12U. Their team was in 1st place and still had to battle all day to make it to the championship game!

When her team needed it in the 3rd game, Sis came through with a hit and a run to help them win it!

The girls had fun hanging out in their hospitality tent. Thank goodness it was in a shady area with fans to keep the girls cool on this hot day!

Their last game was a tough one. Their opponents were strong players with friends and family who said mean things and showed poor sportsmanship. Their harsh words definitely got to the girls and in the end they couldn't pull out a win. 

2nd place for their age group isn't bad!

So grateful for her kind coach, Coach David. 

Some tears and some smiles after a long day playing five games in the hot sun. 

This guy finds fun wherever he goes!

Charlie found his friend, Ellie and they kept score for her sister's game. 

Charlie hung in there all day with no complaints.

Cold treats from Sonic to end the big day. 

Maw Maw was there all day cheering them on.

So was Lovie! Grateful for their support

A championship ring was cool!



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