Christmas with Lovie and Pops

Finally, on January 8th we were able to celebrate Christmas at Lovie and Pops'! 
When Charlie asked me what we were doing on the weekend and I told him we were exchanging gifts with Lovie and Pops he said, "Yes, we finally get Christmas!"Even though I felt like we had a lovely Christmas just the four of us, I know what he was feeling!

We finally had Livy's family birthday celebration!

After a yummy lunch of favorite finger foods, we were ready to open gifts!

Pops admired SG's sweatshirt and now he has one of his own!

Speks were an exciting gift!

A soft polo in his favorite color!

The kids loved their gifts and were happy to give gifts too, but they were especially happy to all be together after several weeks of being apart!

Fun to test out new toys!



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