Elf Shenanigans

Rainbow Bobby and Elfa Claire were back and up to some of their usual tricks and a few new silly moves! They brought the kids fun prizes in a new tree of their own, fidget advent calendars, gingerbread kits, and candy canes!

When they first arrived, they didn't move and we were quite worried about them. Sarah Graves doctored them with some cinnamon.
Looks like Elfa Claire had to treat Rainbow Bobby at Barbie's infirmary and those must have been magical candy canes because they were up and going after that. 

Looks like they were leaving a hint that Sarah Graves and Charlie were on the nice list!

Taking a ride on Rudolph!

Taking a sled ride!

Reading some Christmas stories. 

They went out with a bang bringing a pancake mold and hiding candy canes around the house! We are still finding candy canes!

We bid them farewell on Christmas Eve and Sarah Graves is looking forward to seeing them in a few weeks for her birthday. 



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