Game On!

We finished off the birthday week with a video game party at our house!

Sarah Graves was a big help with the decorations! Charlie was too busy enjoying his new Xbox to care about decorating!

I was pretty proud of how cute this theme came together. 

To make sure their was gaming for all, we set up the Switch and the Xbox on separate TVs adjoining so that the kids could all be together and go back and forth. 

Landon, Charlie, Ziggy, and Olivia

Landon, Charlie, Ziggy, Olivia, and John

Harrison, Ziggy, Charlie, Landon, and John

Harrison, Ziggy, Charlie, Olivia, Landon, and John


Charlie and Harrison

Ziggy, Charlie, and Harrison

As expected, the boys enjoyed playing, there was much hooping and hollering, and it was really loud! I think they had a good time playing together in person and not through Facetime!

Charlie chose cookie cake for his party. I made a separate small one for him to blow out the candles. 

I would say it was a hit!

Eli was a little late due to baseball, but he made it in time for cake and presents!

couldn't celebrate without Lovie and Pops!

Maw Maw was there to observe the crazies!

Charlie loves Lucy so and had to show her some love!

Sissy had this really sweet idea to get Charlie's friends to write things they like about him on this poster. I was pleasantly surprised how seriously they took it and wrote really thoughtful things! 

He was excited to try out his new gifts!

Livy quickly decided she was not into gaming, but enjoyed Barbies with Sissy!

It is hard to believe this guy is 9! Wish he could stay our sweet, chubby baby forever, but he is growing up and we are excited to see what this next year holds for him! I'm sure he will have lots of big ideas, funny observations, and thoughtful things to share!



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