Part of our 2021 plan has been to get back to church. Aaron found one meeting in person and we all felt good to be back in person. After 13 years at St. B's, it felt different to be at a different church, but good to worship as part of a communion.
New head phones for school - some specials are being done virtually and need headphones to listen to the teacher.
Keeping our sense of community going, Aaron had the Cub Scouts over for an outdoor meeting and the boys enjoyed some play time!
Sissy and I made our own fun watching videos of icing cookies and making our own icing to practice with.
She loves icing, but she was really excited to learn that Maw Maw was coming!
Fun to practice with different tips!
After nearly a year of very little in person interaction, the chance to be with people feels very good! So glad we could have that on this day.