Back to School!

August 12 was a much anticipated day as the kids excitedly headed back to school. I have to give so much credit to our school leaders for their proactive planning that made it possible for them to go back in person. The school started its planning for bringing the kids back in person during the spring while we were all at home during quarantine. In May they started monthly webinars to share plans and get input from parents. So, the big day back was one we had all been waiting for!

This guy was ready for second grade!

Headed off to fifth grade! She was excited and nervous to make the transition to the upper school building! A new uniform, new building, and some new faces joining the school. Lots of changes, but she was ready for them!

Here they are after that first day!
Charlie was very excited to be back with his friends! His only hiccough during the day was finding his classroom. One change this year is that parents could not walk kids to classes and meet the teacher was done virtually in a Zoom, so he didn't know where to go and didn't want to ask anyone. Poor guy, but he handled it with grace.

Sarah Graves got to know a new girl joining her class and was excited to start cross country practice! She is happy with her teacher and excited about fifth grade!

Thank goodness it was a good day! So many new procedures put in place to keep kids safe at school, but it didn't change the good feeling of being there with teachers and friends!



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