Winding Down

As the end of school grew nearer, the days stayed busy. 
A car parade to say thank you to Ms. Freeman for all she did for her students this year. 

Sissy is so thoughtful and pays attention to people's likes. She made these signs for Ms. Freeman.

Charlie continues to spend all his free time working on Minecraft. He researches and watches videos to learn how to do more. He is a bit obsessed!

Sissy took it upon herself to learn to make homemade tortillas. She researched and watched videos to learn how, then made some delicious tortillas!

 In lieu of a typical field day at school, the P.E. teachers arranged for the kids to participate in a virtual field day with fun activities using household items. Aaron helped them setup a speaker for music in the backyard and we joined them to help with the activities and keep it fun. 

Charlie played "flip your lid"

Sis was getting "foot loose"

These activities were pretty fun. Charlie got a little frustrated with it at one point and headed off crying (still working on the emotional control). Sis enjoyed learning the activities and planning out the supplies to do them. 


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