Charlie and the Chocolates

Charlie asked if we could make chocolates for Easter. I was working at the time and put him on the task to research how. 
He went to Youtube and found a vlog with a recipe. The recipe was from Todd's Kitchen and he took great effort to take notes. He was pretty adorable going over it with me and going back to the video to get details and make adjustments. 

It took about a week and orders from multiple stores to get ingredients like cacao butter and the molds. Finally, we made our first batch. Initially, it was so bitter that we added extra sugar to make it edible. 
Despite our best efforts, they just didn't harden up well and they still tasted pretty bitter. 

We moved on to an alternate plan (I had doubts about Todd from the start). My next plan was to melt actual chocolate and pour it into the molds to get the Easter shapes he wanted. 
He has developed a love of going without a shirt and looks for every opportunity to be shirtless. Avoiding spilling chocolate on himself was a good reason this time! 

These did much better!

The official taste tester was quite pleased!

We ordered a bunny mold,  but instead got a carrot mold. The green chocolate melts made for some tasty carrots! Sarah Graves said this is how she prefers her carrots!


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