Trick or Treat!

With the threat of rain for Halloween, we were grateful when the rain moved out; although, the weather started to turn really cold!
We enjoyed our usual Halloween dinner of chili dogs and buttered worms!

This crazy boy keeps us laughing.

Livy and Nay as the Wicked Witch and Glenda the Good Witch completed our Wizard of Oz theme!

With her red coat on, Sissy kept getting asked if she was Little Red Riding Hood!

The cold wind blowing made for really chilly trick or treating! As the night got dark the kids were ready to come home and get warm and do some indoor trick or treating! Charlie was super excited when I mentioned this as an idea in case it rained We started with grownups in different rooms and the kids came by to trick or treat. Then, it became a game of hide and seek!
We ended the evening cozy on the couch watching Beetlejuice. 


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