Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was a lot of fun! The kids were excited to see the gifts Santa brought. 
Sarah Graves came up with the idea to have a scavenger hunt for some of their gifts. It turned out to be a huge hit and they loved using the clues to find some of their gifts. 

Charlie's big gift was a Nintendo Switch! He was also very excited to finally get a drone!

Sarah Graves was excited to get an American Girl bathroom, horse, and stable! Bath bombs, slime, and squishier were some other hits.

Charlie couldn't wait to start learning about his new game system with Daddy.

Charlie was so excited to give Sarah Graves the gifts he picked out and wrapped for her.

Sarah Graves wrapped up this piece of art that she made at school. Such a thoughtful gift. 

Lucy was a fan of her new bone.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from Uncle Steve!

A new sleeping bag for Aaron when he and Charlie go on campouts. 

Aaron bought the kids chocolate frogs and those were a big hit!

Now Leah is ready to cheer on the Tigers!

Mad Libs from Aunt Lex and Uncle Tim!

Sarah Graves couldn't wait to try out making the edible Jell-o slime. It was a little gooier than we expected.

Using the switch part of the game and playing on the TV 

Santa went a little overboard on all the squishies, but these two were pretty pumped about them.

I love all the preparations for Christmas and it goes by so quick. This Christmas was particularly enjoyable. Everyone was in good moods and it felt like a lovely time together. 


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