Happy Birthday, Charlie

Feels hard to believe that this precious baby boy has transformed before my eyes into a beautiful child. He has a fun side, is sensitive, likes to talk, loves games, and surprises me with all he knows!

The birthday boy wished for Chick-fil-A for breakfast!

Our elves flew in on broomsticks for Charlie's big day! I think they were trying to play Quidditch in the kitchen!

On their birthday kids get a free dress day. I was sure Charlie would want a t-shirt, but he surprised me and wanted to dress up in his bowtie! I think he knew it would get lots of compliments!

The elves brought some other Harry Potter decorations like this sign for platform 9 3/4. He had fun running at the closet door and either pretending the platform was closed or quickly opening the door and pretending he slipped through!

Moaning Myrtle in the toilet tickled him the most! He remembers the stories so well and knew exactly who it was!

Parents are invited to join for lunch at school. Aaron and I were happy to come check out lunch with kindergarten!

Aaron brought his favorite meal, mac'n cheese and apple sauce from Steaky Shake! He says their mac'n cheese is better than any other.

I think he was excited to have us there and meeting his friends was pretty funny. They were talking to me and telling all sorts of funny things.


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