Moving Up!

It was hard to imagine, but the day arrived to celebrate Charlie moving on from preschool. A bitter sweet moment for sure! So happy and proud for him, but hard to believe that my baby is moving off the first floor and going up to kindergarten! 

The singing and motions to the songs were precious 

Each child received an award based on their character. Charlie's was Patience He can be very patient and remain steadfast as he works through something. 

Charlie and his buddy, Emmett. Char is sad that Emmett is moving to a different school next year When I look at this picture, I can't help but see these two cuties hanging out at a frat party!

Charlie did great in his moving up ceremony but he was not a happy guy I don't know if he was sad to be leaving his class or just having a bad day, but there aren't any other pictures with him because he was crying and carrying on so. It's tough being five!


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