100 Days of School

We made it to the 100th day of school! I am definitely part of that "we" because some evenings I'm not sure we will make it another day! Homework, school activities, and all the stuff we have to remember to do is sometimes more than we can handle! But it somehow all gets done and we look forward to the fun stuff!
Charlie was definitely excited for the 100th day of school! His class made it fun by dressing up, practicing counting to 100, and enjoying snacks everyone brought in by the 100's! 

We had a fun time making his shirt, too! We got our inspiration on Pinterest and set about to make our version! First, he counted out 100 pom pops, then we used the hot glue gun to make them stick on the shirt, and puff paint was the last step. I drew the design in pencil, then went over it with puff paint. To fill the larger areas, I used a paintbrush to spread the paint out so it wasn't too thick or heavy. Charlie came up with saying, "100 Days of Happy." He started off wanting it to say, "100 Days of Happiness at School" but that was just too much for me to write with paint, so we shortened it. It made my heart smile that he wanted to say how happy he is at school!

Sissy's class didn't do anything unusual to celebrate, but she was happy to know they are halfway through the year!


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