May Day

May Day weather was unusually cool and super windy, but at least the heavy rain had moved out and we had a sunny day!I helped with the preschool bake sale (lots of yummy treats) and Aaron helped monitor the kids on the jump houses. In between volunteering, we kept an eye on the kiddos. The kids love the event because their friends are there and they can just maneuver on their own. They come back when they need money for food and drink! All the parents keep an eye on the kids making the community feeling even bigger. 

Charlie hung out with his buddy Evan eating snow cones.

 This bull riding activity was new this year and the kids got a big kick out of it!

SG with her friends, Olivia and Sienna

Charlie had the bat sign painted on his face. He was thrilled!

Sissy had a butterfly painted on her face.

They were tired but happy when we headed home. It was all we could do to keep Char awake on the ride home and he fell asleep that evening by 6! Jumping with your friends can really take it out of you!


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