Teacher's Helper

Tonight Sarah Graves and I were talking before she went to bed. We were talking about her birthday party and who was coming. I was asking about some specific kids that I haven't received an RSVP for yet.
Me: What about M, has she said if she's coming?
SG: You know I don't like playing with her. Today I told her it was time for her to pass out the snacks and would you believe that she just said, "I don't want to right now."
Me: Why did she have to pass out snacks?
SG: Because it's her job and I'm teacher's helper this week so I have to tell her it's time pass out the snacks.
Me: Oh. Is passing out the snacks a bad job to have?
SG (very excitedly: No, I love it when it's my turn. I go to each table and I tell all my friends hi!
Me: Maybe tomorrow you could offer to help pass out the snacks with M.
SG (looking like I'm a little crazy and speaking very matter of factly): I can't do that. If I'm helping her, how are the kids going to get the hand sanitizer before snack/

First grade is serious business!


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