Visit with Lexie

Alexis is my dear friend from high school and I cherish the time we get to spend together. She lives in D.C. and is awesome about making time to come see me and the wild crew!

She brought SG these awesome olympic swimmer and gymnast outfits for the girls to wear! I think she loves the AG store as much as Sissy! So much fun to see them pretending the girls are winning medals and performing routines in the Olympics.

 We have been friends since we were 13 and have had some crazy fun times together (we're pretty tame now!)

We brought Lex to the lake for the weekend she was here so we could hang out with Flip, Trish, and Jeanne' too. As it turns out, Trish, Flip, and Char all came down with a stomach bug and oddly it affected each one of them differently. Mom had it Friday night, Char had it Saturday, and Pops had it Friday night and into Sunday. Thankfully, Lex did not get sick!

Lovie took SG for a water ski lesson at Lake Lanier and SG was anxious to try out her new skills. Aunt Nay wasn't so sure about driving the boat with SG skiing, but she was good to go on the jet ski! Sissy did awesome getting up each time and was able to ski a little. 

Meanwhile, Aunt Lex was entertaining Livy with her dance moves and Livy was showing off some of her own!

Livy looking cute on the deck!

Even though he wasn't feeling well at all, Pops built a small fire so we could roast marshmallows and make s'mores. SG is very afraid of fire, but the yumminess of roasted marshmallows was a bigger pull than her fear of fire.

Sunday Pops was feeling a little better and took us out in the boat. 

Fun on the tube! I have the best conversations with Charlie while we are riding on the raft! We talked about why dogs have sharp teeth, what he might be when he grows up (he wondered if he could be a daddy and a superhero), riding the raft is more fun than Disney, and he told me, "this is more fun than I anticipated!" 

SG talks some but she was interested in trying out different positions like laying down on her bells, sitting backwards, etc. The funniest thing is she will be riding next to me and then, whoosh! She flips off the raft and she's gone before anyone can realize it!

Lovie hopped in to help Sissy get set up for water skiing. I think it is sweet that Lovie has been able to teach her how to do it. Lovie has great memories of water skiing when she was a kid and I have wonderful memories of my Pa-Pa (Lovie's dad) teaching me things like counting money and telling time. I hope SG has those same sweet memories. 

The water ski lesson paid off and she can now get up and Pops knows how to drive the boat so she can stay up for a while! Pretty impressive kid!

Aunt Lexie brought perhaps the biggest hit of the weekend, a game called "Pie in the Face!" We have seen in on Youtube videos, but this was our first chance to try it out!

Lots of smiles! It was a huge hit!

I am so grateful for the friendship Alexis and I have and for the way she cares for SG as her godchild, and always includes Charlie too. So glad she makes the time and effort to come see us! I keep thinking we might go visit her and Uncle Tim, but that may be more of a threat than a kind gesture!


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