Christmas Morning

Christmas morning got started when Sarah Graves came in about 6:30 and whispered to me, "Momma, Santa came!" It was so sweet and full of all the excitement that Christmas as a child is all about.
Evidence that Santa came! He ate our cookies and milk.

Sarah Graves' gifts from Santa.

Charlie's gifts from Santa.

Watching them take in the surprises and wishes that Santa brought each one  was really exciting. They each asked Santa for a few things they really wanted and then he threw in a few surprises, too! Sarah Graves' big wishes were a doll bunkbed, Grace's party dress, and Grace's French bulldog, Bon Bon. Charlie's wishes were an American Girl boy baby doll and a Batman toy.

Some of the surprises Christmas morning were headphones for each, Baby Alive Snacking' Sarah for SG, and a piggy bank for Charlie. Santa brings all the fun stuff and Mom and Dad have more of the useful items, but they were excited about every gift they opened. 

Their ages are really fun to celebrate Christmas with. I wish I could bottle up their joy and anticipation.


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