Rainbow Bobby

Before I leave the topic of the holidays (it's only late January!), I wanted to mention Rainbow Bobby and the fun the kids had with him anticipating Christmas. Charlie was so into Rainbow Bobby this year and it was precious! I wish I could have more photos of the look on his face when he found Rainbow Bobby each morning and how excitedly he would describe our elf's latest perch and the antics he was up to! They got a big kick of Rainbow Bobby toilet papering the bathroom the night they made a huge mess in their own bathroom squirting toothpaste EVERYWHERE. Sarah Graves saw these mini trees in a restaurant and fell in love. Rainbow Bobby was kind enough to bring her one of her own. For his last night with ys, Rainbow Bobby got together with his friends and had a marshmallow roast around Barbie's campfire. He really is a fun addition to our house! Charlie was very careful not to touch Rainbow Bobby and it paid off because Rainbow Bobby never lo...