Preschool Christmas Program

Charlie sang in the Christmas program for the preschool. His class performed two songs - S-A-N-T-A (to the tune of BINGO) and one that we practiced at home and he practiced at school until he knew it quite well, "Bells Are Ringing." I am guessing that they worried Bells Are Ringing might take a bit more effort to learn and so they asked parents to practice it at home. It didn't take too long and he could sing it:
Bells are ringing, bells are ringing, baby Jesus born today.
Bells are ringing, bells are ringing, baby Jesus born today.
Celebrate His birth in Bethlehem.
Celebrate His birth with joy!
Bells are ringing, bells are ringing, baby Jesus born today.
Bells are ringing, bells are ringing, baby Jesus born today.

A sweet song that sounded so sweet when Charlie sang it!

While he waited for his class to go up to sing, he got comfy in the pew and started to nod off!

He is so serious during these events! I am glad that he pays attention and definitely seems to listen, but he seems so serious!


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