Happy 3rd Birthday, Charlie!

Because we were already going to be in Baton Rouge the weekend of Charlie's birthday, we decided to have his party there with a lot of extended family. My Aunt Tammy and Uncle Tim were very kind and offered their house for the party. It worked out great! They have a large covered patio, which was perfect for the occasional showers we had that afternoon.

This silly boy was very excited for his party and then it was time for the party and he was overwhelmed. He wanted to do his own thing and play with the outside toys and really didn't care to hang out with the other party guests. I think he enjoyed the party, just not the way we might have envisioned.

Gramma and Grancy came for the party!

Grandaddy and MiMi came too!

We had lots of Aunts, Uncles and cousins to celebrate with us. I was so excited for the kids to be with their cousins and other family. As usual, I didn't get pictures with everyone that I hoped!

We decided to have a spaceship piñata for Charlie, but when it came time to hit it, he wasn't interested! We let him do his thing and the other kids had fun whacking it.

Boo Boo and Ni Ni were as excited about the piñata as the kids were.

The kids scrambled for the candy.

He seemed a little nervous to blow out his candles, but when it was time to eat the cake, he was all in!

He fell in love with this tricycle and very happily did his thing with it.

Brennan was excited to give Charlie her gift - a Chewbacca backpack! He really likes it too. Brennan was so sweet helping the kids on the waterside and helping Charlie with his presents.

cousin Emmie

cousins Kylah and Maddie

Livy had a great day with so many people to hold her.

Raylee and Kylah

Sissy adores Brennan!

Uncle Steve met Olivia

Grancy snuck in a hug with Sissy.

I don't have any pictures of my favorite part of the party. After all the party formalities were done, I put on my swimsuit and hopped on the waterside with the kids. Most of the kids had tired out, so Sarah Graves, Charlie, Nikki, and I had a blast doing it over and ver again! The kids loved riding in my lap and when we got to the bottom, Charlie would say, "let's do it again!" It was the happiest I saw him all day and I felt so good enjoying that pure joy with both of them.


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